Time Sheet Calculator Author: Shawn Modersohn 2013 2023 Add overnight hours License: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html Scope: This software was created because my job required I input my hours twice, once into a web based form and another into a paper time sheet. The web form required simple start time and end time hours to the minute. The HR paper sheet wanted hourly totals and minutes in percentage of an hour. I was an hourly employee, worked on call from home, and worked irregular in person office hours. This software simplified recording my hours. I later used it when working as an independent IT consultant. My invoices were billed down to the minute rather than generously rounding time in my favor. Money conscious small businesses appreciated this billing practice. Provided is the code for the Windows Form and the calculations. You will need create your own Visual Studio project in your own namespace to compile this code. Upon request, I am willing to provide the entire project for an easier import.