Package Weight Distribution Author: Shawn Modersohn 2024 License: Creative Commons V4 Scope: A freight company needs a machine that weighs everything from a small 1lb package to a fully loaded 1/2 ton pallet. The machine is mechanically rated to safely measure up to 1500 lbs. but the company only ships freight that is 1000lbs or less. Mechanically the weight is derived from a load-cell's analog input. The load cell is rated from 0 - 3000lbs at 4mA - 20mA. The machine will have a slow flash strobe that energizes when the weight exceeds 1000lbs. The HMI will also provide a way to alert the user that the machine is overweight. The HMI will display a colored label to indicate the following weight classifications: 1. > 0 and <= 25 lbs = Yelllow 2. > 25 and <= 100lbs = Blue 3. > 100 and <= 250lbs = Orange 4. > 250 and <= 500 lbs = Brown 5. > 500 and <= 1000 lbs = Purple