Spring 2011 Shawn Modersohn shawn@shawnmodersohn.com License: GPL V3 Scope: In certain applications, postfix is the ideal format in computer programming when utilizing stack data structures. In this case, the programmer is tasked with creating an infix to postfix expression converter. Parenthesis are allowed after the first significant order of operations. Running the Program: Click the download .class file link. This will prompt you to download InfixToPostfix.zip. Download the file and navigate to the download's directory. Unzip the file, you should see a folder named com. Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory the com folder is listed. From the command line, type the following, java com.shawnmodersohn.InfixToPostfix "7+3" The program should output 7 3+ java com.shawnmodersohn.InfixToPostfix "7+3*9+(1+1)/2" The program should output 7 3 9 * + 1 1+ 2/+